Cooking How To's

How-to set up a Gourmet Cheese Plate

1. Start soft - try Belle Chevre's Greek Kiss 2. Add something Creamy - try Chevre's Fromage Blanc (spreads easily on crackers) 3. And Hard - try aged Goat Cheese or a Manchego 4. Add Edible Accents - throw in some bread, fruit, nuts and honey...

Tips for Prettier Bar Cookies and Brownies

1.  If using a nut topping, coarsely chop the nuts (such as pecans) with a chef's knife instead of pulsing in food processor. 2.  Use a mesh tea strainer to dust desserts with powdered sugar 3.  Wipe teh knife edge clean between cuts...

How to measure flour properly

Using a dry measuring cup, one without a spout, lightly spoon flour into cup and don’t pack it down. Complete the process by leveling it off with the flat side of a knife.

It's not a baton, it's a stick of butter

Not everything can be ready at the snap of a finger. We often rush so many things in the kitchen, softening butter is one of them. You read over the part of the recipe that says, let butter stand at room temperature for 30 minutes and you...

Classic Chocolate Mistake

Mistake: You overheat chocolate Have you ever overheated your chocolate and it comes out scorched, hard, or grainy instead of deliciously smooth and creamy? I’ve personally made this mistake, and it’s a sad one. Take your time when heating...

Say no to cloudy water

To get the best out of your meats: add the meat to cold water/liquid, and gradually bring it to a simmer. Proteins are released gradually and create a frothy mass that you can skim off the top. If the water is already simmering when you...

There's a difference in Boiling and Simmering...and it's big.

Pretend you’re in a hot tub and you ask to turn the bubbles on and only a few come out, you sit there disappointed. Well, that’s how pasta feels when you simmer it instead of boil it in water. Boiling helps keep food in motion to prevent...

Mistake: Your Gravy is Lumpy

You know it’s bad when guests are wondering what’s floating in their gravy. Nobody likes lumpy gravy, in fact, I can’t think of any positive description with the word lumpy in it? Instead of playing the mystery game for dinner, make these...

Don't work out in the kitchen

Mistake 101: You beat your potatoes to death – instead using this as your arm workout for the day, and ending up with a mushy mash of potatoes….keep an eye on the time and don’t over mash those mashed potatoes. The best thing to use is a potato...

Read Your Recipes!

Before you begin, read the entire recipe (not just the ingredients) before you get to the end where it says, and "marinate over night" or "chill for 3 hours" and you have to have dinner on the table in 30 minutes.  You also don't want to assume...

Perfect Brownies

For that perfect crackly top on brownies, beat the eggs with the sugar until it reaches a pale yellow and has tripled in volume.

Topic: Cooking How To's

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 From what kind of meat to select to bakers secrets on frosting cakes, enjoy tips to help make preparing meals fun and easy and to help save you time.

Quick Tips

A spotless clean-up

To disinfect the interior of your dishwasher, pour ½ cup vinegar into the reservoir and run an empty cycle. If you’re hand-washing glasses, add 1 cup vinegar to the rinse water and they’ll be spotless.

There's no need to perfect your piping skills to create beautiful flower-topped cupcakes

Instead, sprinkle them with a few fresh edible flowers that speak to the season. Some of the best-tasting edible flowers include nasturtiums, pansies, hibiscus, snapdragons, and violets.

Breakfast for Guests

Looking for an excellent fast breakfast for guests or just want to step yours up a notch?  Fritattas are your option.  You can make a fritatta with many of the ingredients you keep on hand.  Search for Fritatta recipes for ideas.

Restaurant French Toast

For that extra fluffly French Toast, use flour.  Get the best French Toast recipe under Breakfast Recipes!

Apple vs Coffee

Eating an apple will help you stay awake better than a cup of coffee!

Make it a soup night

V8 juice makes a wonderful flavorful addition to many soups.